Dell EMC Forum


The Project

Global software giant Dell EMC held its first Forum after merger at Sydney’s Hyatt Regency hotel.

The PDK team embraced the challenge to create an event that best represents the merger of two long-standing brands. The highly anticipated conference features over 15 sponsors, 20 stands and 25 breakout sessions and accommodates more than 1000 people, circulating freely throughout the venue’s event space in its entirety. A key highlight from the event was the creation of a large-rigged digital cube, streaming content for the duration of the event, including keynote sessions, sponsor ads and Social Media live feed content.

PDK have continued work with Dell EMC to execute Forum events across Australia and Asia Pacific in 2018. Click HERE to view the highlight reels from Dell Technologies Forum 2018 Singapore and Sydney.

15 Sponsors
20 Stands
25 Breakout Sessions
1000+ Attendees